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Be rooted in the word.
Sermon Series
Rev Kang Hee Young

20. Come Into The Sovereignty Of God! 要进来上帝的统治里面!

19. Who Is The Messiah? Who Are The Remnants? (2) 弥赛亚是谁?余民是谁? (2)

48. The Source Of Spiritual Gifts Is The Trinity God 恩赐的根原是三位一体的神

18. Who Is The Messiah? Who Are The Remnants? 弥赛亚是谁? 余民是谁?

47. Foundation For Using Spiritual Gifts 使用恩赐的基础

2024 07 Jul 七月

17. Becoming The Remnant Is To Become The Army Of God (2) 成为余民的目的,为的是成为上帝的军队 (2)

46. Correctly Know The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 正确的认识圣灵的恩赐

2024 06 Jun 六月

16. Becoming The Remnant Is To Become The Army Of God(1) 成为余民的目的,为的是成为上帝的军队(1)

2024 Philippines Conference (9) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (9)

2024 Philippines Conference (8) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (8)

2024 Philippines Conference (6) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (6)

2024 Philippines Conference (7) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (7)

2024 Philippines Conference (5) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (5)

2024 Philippines Conference (4) 2024 菲侓宾聚会 (4)